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There are many flavors to the turning point of ending☞beginning.

Last month, we experienced the renewal of winter solstice. This is the kind of shift when you reach a new point within an existing cycle - you are continuing with what is already in motion, but you have renewed energy.

This month, we experience something more like a scene change. We are completing a chapter in the first half of this month, and then starting a new chapter in the second half of this month at the new moon. This indicates a bigger change in circumstance.

Sun in Aquarius: 1/20/19 - 2/18/19

We kick off our solar month of Aquarius this year with a total lunar eclipse & super full moon. That potent influence will permeate throughout the rest of the month. More on that eclipse below, and follow this link for more on Aquarius - the water-bearer, the inventor, the iconoclast, the humanitarian (insights, meditations, herbs & inquiries).

Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo: 1/20/19 at 9:16 pm PST

This potent eclipse is also a super full moon, so we will feel its effects more strongly in our bodies, and in our emotions. I recommend supporting yourself with some centering practices on this day to keep yourself aligned with your clarity and wisdom. For more on what makes this an eclipse and supermoon, please read this post.

This moon stimulates two interrelated impulses - to put your energy into something new that is deeply stirring your heart, and also to discard and/or complete things in order to devote more time, space and energy to this exciting new stuff on the horizon. For herbal recommendations for this moon, scroll to the bottom of this link.

And in keeping with the polarity of Leo and Aquarius, you may feel caught between these antitheses:

☞ tugs at your heart that call for immediate and focused response, and yet it's important to also maintain your awareness of the big picture.

☞ tugs between what you want deeply for yourself, and what your community wants from you.

☞ tugs between what your intuition tells you to do, and what the "proper" thing to do is - "proper" by society's standards, or by your community/family's standards.

Is there anything you need to complete before you can move more fully into the next "chapter"?

Is there anything you need to let go of in order to create more space and/or time for the new things you want to attend to?

What do you feel newly or more deeply called to create, express, or devote yourself to?

New Moon in Aquarius: 2/4/19 at 1:04 pm PST

After two eclipses (1/5/19 & 1/20/19), we get a straight-forward new moon, signifying a gentle impulse towards a fresh start. So hopefully you did indeed complete some things, as per the 1/20/19 lunar eclipse impulse. That will have you primed and ready for a new chapter at this point.

This new moon initiates the lunar new year of the golden pig (more on that below).

New moons are generally internal times when we are connecting with our inner truth for a moment of realignment before we take steps out in the world. But this new moon has very social influences, so you may want to get out and talk with folks, and even meet new people. Throughout this lunation (2/4/19 - 3/6/19), consider how collaborating and reaching out to others may help you move past what seem like impenetrable walls between you and your dreams.

the year of the GOLDEN PIG: 2/4/19 - 1/24/20 (PST)

We enter the year of the yin earth pig on 2/4/19 (2/5/19 in Asia, Australia, parts of Russia, and similar longitudes). The golden pig imparts a sensual, social, and artistic flair to the year, so you can expect growth and opportunity through community, a deep enjoyment of all things taken in through the senses, and enhanced creativity if you're in the arts.

The difficulties to watch out for from this influence are over-indulgence, over-spending, and potential issues arising from naivety. But with proper precautions (managing your finances wisely, practicing moderation while enjoying the good things in life, and soliciting advice from savvy folks before you sign anything or make major decisions), you can make the most of this year.

But before you get all fired up for this year, pause. Consider your energy level, and look at your longterm goals. The golden pig's influence may indicate this is a better year for self-care, enjoyment, networking, and setting things in motion from behind the scenes so that you can launch something in a bigger way in the astrologically potent year of 2020.

Next month...

We begin our first Mercury retrograde cycle of 2019, and we experience the closest full moon of the year (a supermoon). Feel free to schedule a private consultation, and here's wishing you an inspired and liberating month - Rae


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