CANCER 2018 - hard & soft in balance
We straddle the two worlds of deep sensitivity combined with a need to belong and to retreat into our tenderness on the one side, and a need

GEMINI 2018 - Standing in the Threshold
The threshold is an uncertain and uncomfortable place. There, we feel a sorrowful longing for the space we are leaving, and a fear of the un

Gemini & Late Spring
Gemini is the mutable sign that transitions us from the awakening whirl of spring into the more relaxed expansiveness of summer. Our minds a

TAURUS 2018 - the stirrings around us
The riddle of 2018's Taurus month:
When is it time to do/move/act,
and when is it time to be still, and
allow the doings/movements/act

Uranus in Taurus 2018 - 2026
Uranus travels through the sign of the bull from 5/15/2018 until 4/25/2026. The combination of Uranus' liberating thrust and Taurus'

Taurus & Mid-Spring
After the quick and igniting month of Aries, we are ready to slow down and ground ourselves into the manifested here and now. We strive for

Chiron in Aries: 2018 - 2027
As this comet-like asteroid transits through Aries (2018 - 2027), Chiron invites us to transmute our misplacings of will into a deeper exper

Stillness & Motion
We are all at the center of our own stories, trying to outrun our fears or move towards our desires. Hopefully we stop to remember, honor an

Aries & Spring Equinox
Many people think of spring equinox as a time of new beginnings. It certainly feels that way, but what happens at this point in the year is

Into the DreamSpace
This month, I invite you to defy logic, to step out of what seems probable into what's possible.