Jupiter in Aquarius 2020-2021
...tune into, and be compassionate and wise with your feelings about the nebulous yet-to-come... formulate a plan that leads you to freedom.

ARIES 2020
It's time we talked about crucibles, and about the extreme transformations that take place within them. A crucible is a vessel in which

Saturn in Aquarius 2020-2023
Interconnectedness in the Spotlight Saturn enters Aquarius in the midst of the Corona Virus global pandemic. Here are the ingredients...

This month, we continue to grapple with last month's potent alignment of Saturn and Pluto. that requires us to let go of major but outda

Aquarius & Mid-Winter
This is a time when we're refining our long-range goals, making adjustments in our lives that head us in the general direction of those

LEO 2018 - feed the flames of your heart
This month, I encourage you to consider the many metaphors of the physical heart: Are you moving out into the world & your relationships

Embracing the Unexpected
This is a time when we're refining our long-range goals, making adjustments in our lives that head us in the general direction of those