ARIES 2020
It's time we talked about crucibles, and about the extreme transformations that take place within them. A crucible is a vessel in which

ARIES 2019
The Sun aligns with Chiron as it enters Aries this year, which will infuse our entire Aries month with the tenderness of touching some deep

Uranus in Taurus 2018 - 2026
Uranus travels through the sign of the bull from 5/15/2018 until 4/25/2026. The combination of Uranus' liberating thrust and Taurus'

Chiron in Aries: 2018 - 2027
As this comet-like asteroid transits through Aries (2018 - 2027), Chiron invites us to transmute our misplacings of will into a deeper exper

Stillness & Motion
We are all at the center of our own stories, trying to outrun our fears or move towards our desires. Hopefully we stop to remember, honor an

Aries & Spring Equinox
Many people think of spring equinox as a time of new beginnings. It certainly feels that way, but what happens at this point in the year is