In any moment, there's something we would benefit from letting go of. Most of us carry around old hurts, and old anger towards ourselves...

Think beyond the conception of a linear path with a past, present and future. Think in the framework of nature - a system of cycles and spir

Pallas Athena was a virgin warrior goddess in ancient Greece and Rome. She was born, fully clothed in armor, from her father, Zeus' head

In 2019's Gemini month, we are drawn to be curious and explore the world, and yet we need to also leave time for introspection, as thing

GEMINI 2018 - Standing in the Threshold
The threshold is an uncertain and uncomfortable place. There, we feel a sorrowful longing for the space we are leaving, and a fear of the un

Look up. Look down. Look all around.
we find ourselves in an octopus-like experience of Sagittarius: plumbing the depths broadly, spreading ourselves out below the firmament of

Breathing Dreams into Being
The Latin word anima includes a diverse range of meaning, including soul, breath, wind, and life. There seems to be some understanding in...