Jupiter in Aquarius 2020-2021
...tune into, and be compassionate and wise with your feelings about the nebulous yet-to-come... formulate a plan that leads you to freedom.

Think beyond the conception of a linear path with a past, present and future. Think in the framework of nature - a system of cycles and spir

Speed is exhilarating, but it requires an alert mind. And maybe also a crash helmet. Notice and be curious about the pace of things, and of

When a predominance of planets are in direct motion, our actions are focused outwards in our lives, in our relationships, and in the world.

ARIES 2020
It's time we talked about crucibles, and about the extreme transformations that take place within them. A crucible is a vessel in which

Saturn in Aquarius 2020-2023
Interconnectedness in the Spotlight Saturn enters Aquarius in the midst of the Corona Virus global pandemic. Here are the ingredients...

Imagine you are standing on a crumbling precipice before a chasm, looking at the other side, which is green, vibrant, and solid. At some poi

This month, we continue to grapple with last month's potent alignment of Saturn and Pluto. that requires us to let go of major but outda

Virgo 2019
When we are truly present, and wholly ourselves, we step into our innate mastery. Then we can offer the best of ourselves to others. This is

2019's solar month of Taurus will challenge our assumptions about "what is." Normally, this is the time of year when we connec