2019's solar month of Taurus will challenge our assumptions about "what is." Normally, this is the time of year when we connec

Pisces & Late Winter
This month is a good time to catch up on rest before spring whisks us into a whirl of action. It's also time to pay attention to your dr

Aquarius & Mid-Winter
This is a time when we're refining our long-range goals, making adjustments in our lives that head us in the general direction of those

The SUN is up to something this month... It's renewing itself at the solstice. No big deal, right? It does that every year like...

Capricorn & Winter Solstice
It's no wonder that people make "new year resolutions" during the solar month of Capricorn, when we have clear access to long-

Sagittarius & Late Autumn
The sign of the archer bids us to choose a direction, take aim, and let loose the arrow of our wonder. This sign merges animal instincts wit

Scorpio & mid-autumn
Sun in Scorpio: roughly 10/22 - 11.22 Scorpio is the most no-nonsense, intense, and deep sign of the zodiac. Its range of expression...

VIRGO 2018 - Giving things a whirl
This month, breathe some life into those dreams of yours. Pull them out into the light of day, and see what they can do. There will be time

Virgo & Late Summer
It's time to sort things out, decide what stays and what goes, put things away for leaner times, and generally get things in order. It&#

Leo & mid-summer
When the sun transits through the sign of the lion, it is time to live from our heart. This is the time to awaken some part of us that is ch