Think beyond the conception of a linear path with a past, present and future. Think in the framework of nature - a system of cycles and spir

Speed is exhilarating, but it requires an alert mind. And maybe also a crash helmet. Notice and be curious about the pace of things, and of

When a predominance of planets are in direct motion, our actions are focused outwards in our lives, in our relationships, and in the world.

The time has come to cut to the chase, to eliminate the extraneous, and to arise like a flaming phoenix, luminous.

Venus Retrograde 2018
Venus has to do with our power of attraction. During Venus retrogrades, what we're attracting indicates how closely aligned we are with

LIBRA 2018: the Edges of Beauty
In moments like these, the best medicine is to spend as much time at your center as possible. Your center can be accessed through connecting

VIRGO 2018 - Giving things a whirl
This month, breathe some life into those dreams of yours. Pull them out into the light of day, and see what they can do. There will be time

Mind, Matter, Mystery
Recently, I went camping in the desert to celebrate my birthday. That night, the wind was so fierce that it pulled my tent's stakes out...