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How to pay me:
Pricing & Purchase Info
Qigong Lesson
1-hour - $110
90 minutes - $165
1-hour - monthly, weekly, or biweekly - $110
90 minutes - $165
1-hour - 1st & occasional sessions - $125
1-hour - first with astrology - $175
1-hour - with astrology - $150
Online Qigong Classes - Mon & Fri - 4 PT - Zoom
a month of Mondays: class AND 3-day video access - $45
a month of Friday videos with 3-day video access - $45
a month of all classes and videos - $90
single class - class OR 3-day video access - $10
single class - class AND 3-day video access - $15
Thank you!
"...essentially every atom inside our bodies was once inside an exploding star."
- Lawrence M. Krauss, cosmologist
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