Super Moons & Eclipses

Out of all the celestial bodies, the sun and moon have the most noticeable effects on us. We feel the sun's impact strongly because it's the largest and most powerful body in our vicinity. We literally get our energy from that great ball of fire. The moon has a strong effect on us because it is the closest celestial body to our planet, and because it's our moon. It's a body that orbits around our planet, so it acts like an appendage, reaching out into space and bringing the energy of the sun and other planets to us.
The moon always affects us, but there are moments when we feel those effects more strongly - super moons and eclipses are some of those moments.
The next "special" moons occur on -
3/20/19 - super full moon
7/2/19 - total solar eclipse
7/16/19 - partial lunar eclipse
7/31/19 - super new moon
8/30 - closest super new moon of 2019
9/28 - super new moon
12/25/19 - partial solar eclipse
Super Moons
The moon travels in an ellipse around the Earth, so sometimes it's closer or farther away from our home planet. When the moon is both closest to the Earth - or perigee - in its orbit and also either new or full, that is a super moon.
We feel super moons more than usual new and full moons because the moon's pull on the waters of the earth and all of its creatures - including us humans - is stronger then. We feel super moons more deeply and overtly because of the moon's close proximity - just as we feel the presence of a friend more when they're in the same room with us, as opposed to when they're on the other side of the country.
We can't see super new moons, but we can see super full moons, and they do look bigger than your average full moon.
Super New Moons
Super new moons are extremely good times to plant seeds, both literally and metaphorically. Seed-planting in the metaphorical sense is, like in gardening, a humble act of devotion and hope. The best ways to seed-plant on any new moon, including a super new moon, is to meditate, pray, make wishes, journal, or otherwise engage in some sort of introspection around what you'd like to see come into being. The gardener humbly puts their seeds into the soil, waters them, and hopes that nature and time will cooperate. The gardener does not shoot off fireworks and light a big neon sign, saying, "Hey, I planted some seeds. Come look at this... uh... soil..." There's nothing to see, nothing to share. This is the time for invisible work.
In 2019, super new moons occur on 7/31, 8/30, and 9/28.
New Moons in general
New moons don't get as much press as full moons because they are invisible and they tend to feel more subtle. These moments when the sun and moon join their energies together are a deeper and often more powerful energy to work with than full moons, especially if you want to bring new energy into your life. These are special moments when something new emerges from the darkness, ex nihilo, from nothing.
Super Full Moons
Super full moons are extremely good times to show yourself or share your work in the world. This is the time in the moon's cycle when things are at a peak of expression, visibility, and notice. It's also easier to be seen at this time because this is the most social part of the lunar phase. Returning to our lunar gardener, this is the moment when things are in bloom, and fruits are showing promise. The gardener shows off their garden to their friends and community, and takes a moment to enjoy it and wonder at it: "Here's what came of those little bitty seeds I planted."
In 2019, super full moons occur on 1/20 (also a total eclipse), 2/19, and 3/20.
Full Moons in general
Full moons are hard to ignore. We see them, and we feel them - and so does everyone around us. It is a more active energy than the new moon, so there is a natural tendency to want to "harness" this energy or ride it like a surfer on a wave. This is good to do, but it's even better if you do it with awareness and reverence. These moments when the sun and moon are on opposite sides of the sky with the Earth in the middle are times of tension, expansion, and perspective.
Twice a year, we experience 1 - 3 eclipses, which vary in magnitude, precision, and visibility. Eclipses occur when the alignment of the sun, the moon, and the Earth in three dimensional space is precise enough that one body casts a shadow on another. Eclipses are interruptions in our normal flow of light. Light represents awareness, so when a shadow passes over our normal experience of awareness, we experience a pause in our usual way of perceiving things. That pause is like a re-set button in our mind and heart, offering us the opportunity for a breakthrough, an "A-ha!"
In 2019, eclipses occur on...
Tuesday, July 2nd - total solar eclipse
Tuesday, July 16th - partial lunar eclipse
Wednesday, December 25th - partial solar eclipse
The Nodes of the Moon - The Nerdy Explanation of Eclipses
There's a correlation between eclipses and some points we use in astrology called "the nodes of the moon." These nodes are points in space where the lunar orbit intersects with the ecliptic, which is the apparent "path" of the sun through the zodiac. The "north node" is also called the head of the dragon, and is where the moon passes on its way above the ecliptic. The sign the north node is in indicates a mode of expression we need to bring forth more. The "south node" is also called the tail of the dragon, and is where the moon passes on its way below the ecliptic. The sign the south node is in indicates a style of response we may be over-expressing, or not utilizing the full or best expression of that sign.
Solar Eclipses
Solar eclipses occur when the moon passes between the Earth and the sun at a new moon, while close to one of its nodes (see "The Nodes of the Moon" above), causing a shadow to pass over the sun. Seeing this phenomenon can stir feelings of primal fear and/or profound awe. The effect is basically a new moon with a twist and some added kick. Just how potent a solar eclipse is is a matter of how precise the alignment between the sun, moon and Earth in three dimensional space is, and whether the moon is near or at perigee (see "Super Moons" above). A total solar eclipse is the strongest (tight alignment and close proximity), an annular eclipse is mid-strength (tight alignment, but not near perigee), and a partial solar eclipse is less potent (alignment is not as tight).
A total solar eclipse is hands down the most powerful type of eclipse of all. Like it or not, a total solar eclipse will change you forever.
When there is a strong impulse for something new, we usually need something old to get out of the way. So even though solar eclipses occur at new moons, which generally indicate new beginnings, that shadow gives things a twist, and so we are often faced with instances of endings and letting go. In such moments, it's helpful to consider what these losses are making room for. Where attention goes, energy flows. So put your attention on the new stuff, and let the old stuff go with as much compassion, care, and grace as you can.
Lunar Eclipses
The Earth's shadow hauntingly-beautifully passes over the moon during a lunar eclipse. This phenomenon occurs when the full moon is close to one of its nodes. The effect is a full moon with a twist and an added kick, and again, just how potent a lunar eclipse is (visually and in a felt way) depends on the precision of the alignment in three-dimensional space and the closeness of the moon. A total lunar eclipse has a tight alignment so that the Earth's shadow completely covers the moon, and is the strongest type of lunar eclipse. During a partial lunar eclipse, a portion of the Earth's shadow the "umbra" - passes over a portion of the moon, changing the shape of the full moon. The least potent lunar eclipse is a penumbral lunar eclipse, in which only the faint outer edge of the Earth's shadow - the "penumbra" - passes over the moon - sometimes this effect is not even visibly noticeable, and the feeling of it is similarly subtle - a brief shiver in the usual full moon experience.
A good way to think of a lunar eclipse is an interruption in the usual peak experience of the full moon. The shadow's pause in the normal flow of lunar light gives us an opportunity to not be simply swept up in the panoramic energy of the full moon, but to consciously notice and learn from what we're feeling, and then channel it specifically, decisively, and creatively.
Super Moons & Eclipses comin' up:
1/20/19 - Total Lunar Eclipse & Super Full Moon in Leo - this one looks a wee bit chaotic...
Recent Super Moons & Eclipses:
1/1/18 - Super Full Moon in Cancer - closest full moon of the year
1/31/18 - Super Full Moon & Total Lunar Eclipse in Leo - most potent moon of the year
2/15/18 - Partial Solar Eclipse in Aquarius - begins the year of the Dog in the element of Earth
7/12/18 - Super New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse in Cancer - closest new moon of the year
7/27/18 - Total Lunar Eclipse in Aquarius - coincides with potent retrogrades
8/11/18 - Super New Moon & Partial Solar Eclipse in Leo - coincides with potent retrogrades
Thanks for reading. Contact me if you'd like to schedule a private consultation to see how the moon and other bodies will be affecting you over the next year. Wishing you healing and insightful lunations, Rae