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What would (or does!) feel new - and renewing - for you?

What is new in your mind, in your heart, in your life, in your community, in the world at large, in nature?

Embrace these things with ardor and enthusiasm.


What is old, and coming to an end in your life now?

Complete these things with gratitude, forgiveness, and devotion.

This month, we continue to grapple with last month's potent alignment of Saturn and Pluto. This influence is still in strong effect, and it requires us to let go of major but outdated structures, and also build new structures. While we absolutely need to grieve what's lost or in the processing of ending, we also need to move forwards into what's vital, vivifying, energizing, and inspiring.

This month, honor and tend the old, but also embrace and step further into the new.

Sun in Aquarius: 1/20/20 - 2/18/20

For insights and herbs to align you with the quirky yet humanitarian energy and innovative wisdom of Aquarius, please read this post.

New Moon in Aquarius: 1/24/20 at 1:42 pm PST

There is nothing more renewing than an Aquarius new moon. This sign of innovation and cutting edge now asks us to wake up within, and to let that awakening move us in new, liberating directions. Due to a combination of planetary alignments that influence this entire lunation, we can gain support in manifesting our dreams through reaching out to and collaborating with others at this time.

What will set you free?

More often than not, the answer to this question is found not in the outer world, but within our minds.

What beliefs do you hold that limit your full expression of self?

At this new moon, I recommend you set an intention to awaken to those beliefs, and expand your mind beyond them.

How does your community support you, and how can you best support your community?

Aim for a reciprocal, symbiotic relationship here. How you support your community should not sacrifice your well-being, but rather, should tap into your strengths in ways that are sustainable for you. Also, bare in mind that we are all moving through intensity at this time, and the best thing to do is to reach out to each other. Ask for help if you need it, and offer help when it feels appropriate to do so.

This new moon also initiates the lunar new year of the metal rat.

This indicates a year of attending to details, collaborating with others, and ensuring successful outcomes through careful planning. It's also a good time to clear clutter, organize, streamline, and connect to the "why" of what you have, what you do, where you are, and where you're headed.

Mercury Retrograde: 2/16/20 - 3/9/20

In the first of our three Mercury retrogrades this year, Mercury travels from mid Pisces back to late Aquarius. This blends the elements of water (emotions and felt sense) and air (intellect and relating with others), and the dreamy, unifying mind of Pisces with the inspired, liberating mind of Aquarius. For more practical, mundane considerations of Mercury's retrograde, read here. But for your own personal growth and well-being, I invite you to consider...

How might forgiveness liberate you from guilt or resentment, and how might that shift in your heart shift your relationship with yourself and others?

What happens in your life if you practice "radical compassion"?

For a day or a week, intentionally cultivate feelings of compassion for yourself and others whenever any emotion arises within or around you. Compassion for anger. Compassion for the pain that caused the anger. Compassion for fear. Compassion for the uncertainty that inspired the fear. Compassion for anxiety. Compassion for the overwhelm and unknown that caused the anxiety. Compassion for joy - for its fleeting nature. Compassion for sadness, and the loss or lack that inspired the sadness. Etc.

Full Moon in Leo: 2/18/20 at 11:33 pm PST

What special light do you bring to your communities?

Where is your heart most engaged?

At the Leo full moon, we work with the polarities of being an individual within a group, and of whole-hearted engagement versus a more analytical and systematic assessment and approach.

What makes you laugh out loud?

How might you inspire others to laugh out loud?

Humor is incredibly healing. It helps us relax, and see things in a new way. It works in the best of times, in the worst of times, and everything in between. The Leo full moon is an excellent time for partaking of the medicine of absurdity. Laugh your way to new insights and greater freedom.

Next month...

We complete Mercury's retrograde, as we settle more deeply into the new year, and into new ways of being in the world. Until then, here's wishing you a month of awakening, of heart-nourishing community, and of liberation - Rae


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