We live in a culture that glorifies busy-ness. Even if you're the contemplative and quiet type, it's hard not to get caught up in or influenced by the activity of everyone around you. And in late autumn - just as we reach a point in the year when nature bids us to slow down - we step up the pace. This is a notoriously hectic time of year in western society.
Okay, fine then. Let's surrender to what is. Let's honor the flow of our society. Let's be busy. But let's also honor the flow of nature, and let nature infuse and influence our digital-paced society. Let's find moments of pause - so we can see the bigger picture, and make wiser choices - not just for our own benefit, but beyond that. These moments of pause and quiet will protect you from this month's danger of over-extending yourself, and they will keep you from compensating your over-extension by over-indulging.
What this all amounts to is:
Say no to the myriad little things, so you can give a bigger yes to the things that matter.
Sun in Sagittarius: 11/22/18 - 12/21/18
Everything you need to know about the sun's transit through Sagittarius is right here, including herbs, insights & inquiries -
- as you read that post, in your mind, replace the periods you see in the text with exclamation marks. Why? Because Jupiter - the natural ruler of Sagittarius - is also traveling through its native sign (11/8/18 - 12/2/19), heightening the energy and thrust of the the archer-centaur.
Full Moon in Gemini: 11/22/18 at 9:39 pm PST
I love the buoyancy and perspective of the month of Sagittarius, but there is one thing we need to be cautious of this month, and at this full moon in particular... and that is...
Full moons by nature expand whatever energy is present, and the energy of this full moon is overwhelmingly indulgent. So set some good boundaries for yourself today, and then do your best to hold to them. This is a particularly lovely moon for storytelling. So enjoy a book, a movie, or sharing stories with your loved ones today. Stories nourish our souls, and we need that now.
Mercury Retrograde: 11/16/18 - 12/6/18
Mercury completes its retrograde a few hours before the new moon, offering us a very deep still point we can tap into for replenishment and insight. You may wish to review the inquiries posed here, plus you'll find other useful tips there for moving skillfully out of a Mercury retrograde.
New Moon in Sagittarius: 12/6/18 at 11:20 pm PST
This new moon invites us to pause and quiet ourselves in the midst of a bustling month. You may wish to review the inquiries here, especially in the sections titled Expand into What has Heart & Meaning, and Take a Leap of Faith. Court the vaster spaces of your mind through art, ritual, meditation, prayer, or whatever gets you beyond the usual cycles of rational thought. Your dreams could be particularly potent tonight, so here's a brew you can drink an hour or two before bed:
Herbal Brew for the New Moon:
Steep in 1 quart of boiling water, covered, for 1 hour:
1 Tbsp. garden sage
1 Tbsp. mugwort
1 Tbsp. hawthorn berries
1 Tbsp. spearmint
1 pinch each - licorice and ground nutmeg
Strain, and drink 1-2 cups. Save the rest in the 'fridge, or share it with friends.
Next month...
...begins with winter solstice - when the light begins to grow again. We also experience the first of two January eclipses. This is a good time to schedule a consultation for a bird's eye view of your 2019. Here's wishing you a month of expansion and luster that emerge from your heart. With warmth, Rae