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Art, nature & practice are what I breathe. I also write about them. Here's the latest post

Sign up for my occasional newsletter for updates.

2024 Year of the Yin Wood Snake

2024 Year of the Yang Wood Dragon

2023 Year of the Yin Water Rabbit

Qigong & Nei gong Practices:

Ignite healing in your heart with this simple practice

Water as a teacher in Qigong practice & life


The Cantigee Oracle is available through North Atlantic Books.

floating bones will be available through First Matter Press in September 2023.

Stay tuned for other volumes in the works... 

Poetry of an experimental nature:

now coalesce now scatter 

in the woods with + we drank galaxies

and how to sustain oneself on dreams

3 poems about foxes & birds

a rogue cure

Long Tone Choir + other Listening Experiments:

I invite and explore altered states of consciousness through durational immersions in nature-inspired soundscapes and other sonic phenomena, with and without dancers and other musicians.


Once upon a couple decades, I worked and wrote as an astrologer. These articles are still relevant for those interested:

Uranus in Taurus → (2018 - 2026) 

Chiron in Aries → (2018 - 2027)

Aries  |  Taurus  |  Gemini  |  Cancer  |  Leo  |  Virgo  |  Libra  |  Scorpio  |  Sagittarius  |  Capricorn  |  Aquarius  |  Pisces

Working with Neptune  |  Building your own practice

Mercury Retrograde  |  Eclipses + Super Moons  |  newsletter archive 

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